This Will Shock You
Yesterday, at approximately 5:55pm ET, I flushed the last 12 years of my life down the toilet.
Yesterday, at approximately 5:55pm ET, I flushed the last 12 years of my life down the toilet. “Goodbye, address!” I cackled as Love Sujeiry dot com circled the drain. “Hasta la vista, electricity!” I shouted before closing the lid once and for all. I washed my hands, slammed the door shut, and said one final prayer before walking out.
“God, thank you for gifting me with the idea of Love Sujeiry. She brought me so much success, excitement, and abundance. I’m ready to move on now.”
And by moving on, I mean completely cutting off the Love Sujeiry persona and content creation machine like you would a codependent ex. Even if you thrived in that relationship, once you outgrow the person and dynamic it’s impossible to return to what was. You just have to cut the chord. Unfollow on Instagram. Unfriend on Facebook. No more texting memes and TikTok reels. Cut off all ties.
Prior to flushing, I had only changed my name from Love Sujeiry to Sujeiry Gonzalez on Instagram. Love Sujeiry dot com survived the revolt. She resisted. However, after receiving a notification that my website domain would renew, I asked myself, what is her purpose?
I no longer enjoy sharing dating and relationship tips, or creating click bait-y SEO optimized content for traffic ‘s sake. I don’t enjoy obsessing over my Google Analytics, hoping a blog post will gain enough traction to bring in more income. Do you know what I enjoy even less? Filling my free moments writing blog posts for Love Sujeiry instead of working on my 3 books. Instead of writing to all of you.
I feel a sense of a community with all of you. I feel like I’m sharing a piece of my heart and speaking to someone. Even if you don’t respond half the time, I know you’re there because you have yet to unsubscribe. (And don’t do it now!)
So, on April 6, 2022 at 5:55pm ET, I shut it all down. Love Sujeiry dot com is now long gone. From today onward, I intend to pour my energy, time, and love into the relationships, businesses, and experiences that feed my bank account and my soul.
Adios, Love Sujeiry. For good. May you easily flow through the pipes and never return again. Cue Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel and pour one out for her, won’t ya?
RIP Love Sujeiry (4/7/10 - 4/6/22)
P.S. Sorry for yesterday’s Venus email. Love Sujeiry needed one last hurrah, so I threw her a bone.
News! News! News!
I have an outline for Love Trips Vol 2! Yep. A second Love Trips is in the works. If you didn’t read the first one, catch up. It’s finger licking juicy. Get it here.