The Gift that Keeps on Giving
I love myself in a way that I’ve never loved myself before.
Lately, I’ve been claiming, “I’m in my Queen energy.” Sometimes I think it. Or I write about it. Other times I scream it and say it aloud with conviction (but only in my living room in case I scare my neighbors).
Something shifts within when you focus on yourself. It’s a transformational experience to stop giving when not receiving, to set boundaries, and to live in gratitude for the freedom to be exactly who you are.
That’s that Queen energy.
That doesn’t mean you should be a dick or a bitch and just say, “That’s who I am! Accept it!” Or to treat others as if you are above them. That’s toxic. That’s arrogant. That is not self-love.
It means you finesse the best parts of yourself and heal the broken pieces to arrive as the authentic, fulfilled, and whole (not perfect) new version of yourself.
I love myself in a way that I’ve never loved myself before. I love myself more than I love another. I put myself first without feeling guilty. And I recognize my value and my worth.
I fucking love myself.
What changed? I decided to turn inward in a way that I hadn’t before. If you know me, and many of you know me personally, I’ve always believed in personal development. As much as I am passionate, fun, and energizing, I have a side to me that is quiet and reflective. I am as much of a talker as I am a deep thinker. I read books about spirituality, energies, and consciousness. I am balanced.
Turning inward has allowed me to heal my abandonment wounds from childhood and to stop seeking external validation. I do not need anyone to validate my worth. I do that all on my own. And, although I am not perfect and stumble on this continuous self-love journey, I remind myself every day that everything outside of me reflects who I believe I am and what I believe I deserve.
How people treat me and show up for me is on me. The external world is my mirror. And I can’t wait to receive all of the goodness that I am pouring into myself.
Because I fucking love myself. Because I’m in my Queen energy. Because self-love is the gift that keeps on giving.
Project Updates
Stay tuned for a new romance novel from yours truly in 2024! It’s the second book in “The Heights of Love” series. You can grab my first romance novel, Candi, here.
I also have something that I am bringing back that I am keeping quiet. In this Queen era, I’ve learned not to share news until everything is solidified. I am very excited about it. You will be the first to know ;-)
Now, this is where I use mind control to get you to…
Laugh with my stories. Unless it’s sad. Then you can laugh-cry.
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